Dr. Andrew Ford


Dr. Andrew Ford
Dr. Andrew Ford Veterinarian

Why did you become a veterinarian?

At first, I didn’t want to be a veterinarian. I wanted to be a paleontologist (dinosaur fossil hunter). I was also 10 years old, and Jurassic Park had just come out in theatres. A few years later, we got our first family dog, high energy, free-spirited Labrador named Chayse, who could not stay out of the water, especially while we were waterskiing. We quickly formed a special bond. At 15 years old, I job shadowed at my local veterinary clinic in Toronto and loved it. I was sure I had ‘figured it out’; I was going to be a vet! I began working at the clinic as kennel staff on weekends and during my summers with the goal of veterinary school at the Ontario Veterinary College (OVC). In 2010 I graduated from the OVC. Since then, I have been fortunate to practice veterinary medicine across Canada in Labrador, Ontario, Alberta and now British Columbia. Travels have taken me to volunteer my veterinary services in India, working with spitting camels and gentle elephants, then on to Thailand supporting stray dog and cat populations in need. I have special interest in Dermatology, Internal Medicine, and Wellness Care. My original drive to become a veterinarian, my fascination and connection with animals, has grown into a passion for helping both clients and patients receive quality care and support in a low-stress environment; while continually growing personally and professionally in the evolving world of veterinary medicine.

What is your goal with every patient visit?

With each patient visit, I hope to create a ‘down to Earth’ environment for both the client and patient. With my clients, I aim to communicate openly and clearly about care options/treatment plans and work with their philosophical and financial positions to strive for what's best for the pet and family unit. With my patients, I hope to have them see me as a friend; and not the scary bearded bald man with the white coat and needles ;). I can often be found on the exam room floor, my fingers covered in cookie crumbs delivering therapeutic ear scratches!

Who makes up your family (pets and/or people)

Currently, I don’t live with any pets. I’m the “vet without a pet”! I miss it dearly, but my recreational lifestyle of backcountry multi-day treks and travel doesn’t lend itself at this point to pet ownership. So instead, I latch onto my family's pets! My brother Chris in Revelstoke has a handsome, intelligent Border Collie/ Husky named ‘Ronan’ who I trail run with when I visit and occasionally brush carpets worth of fur from his dense coat. My sister Melissa has a petite Tabby named ‘Barb’ who was aptly named after she was found curled up like a kitten under my sister’s barbeque on a cold wet winter’s day in Tacoma, Washington. Despite Barb’s futile protests, I often trim her nails when I visit. My parents had a sweet 13-year-old Labrador named Kali, whom I recently helped them to say goodbye to after the progression of a rare form of cancer. Kali loved spending time at our family cottage in Ontario, watching the sunset across the lake and eating the bottoms of everyone's bananas. I look forward to meeting you and your furry family members!